Bosses are everywhere we go, we have positions in society, the people who lead a country in this case Nicaragua must have the capacity of solving problems in a group not make them worse, we as population of a state have to accept and agree all the taken decitions of our leaders. but the thing is that the these leaders only are worried about themselves, the wealth and power make them criminals of the society, how much money do they recieve from invented taxes that we have to pay? its an exhorbitant figure of money, ok they have the money, why don´t they use it correctly? i can´t figure out what do they feel stealig money from the society, they are in the power because they are "CAPABLE" to do things for the benefit of society.
It´s a comlicated issue and we can spend all day talking about this. leaders should be at least a little more intelligent than us to lead a country but it really seems the opposite.
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